maanantai 18. maaliskuuta 2013

I'll never let you go, Cupid

Hi! Last week was really busy so haven't had the time or energy to post here... But now's the time to make up for it and let you catch up on what I've been up to :)

Viime viikko oli tosi kiireinen eikä ollut aikaa tai energiaa postailla tänne... Nyt on sitten aika korvata se ja kertoa mitä oon puuhaillut :)

These photos are from last week's youth evening,  I was there also yesterday and it's always a good time with friends! Nää kuvat on viime viikon nuortenillasta, olin siellä myös eilen ja joka kerta on ihana viettää aikaa kavereiden kanssa!

My Mum tried nail stickers and they look awesome! They've stayed on really well too :)

Outfit from don't remember what day with Vero Moda shirt and H&M dress and jewellery.
Me and my friends Emmi and Netta organized a beauty evening for girls on Wednesday, the plan was to eat good food, listen to Ed Sheeran, talk about beauty and then do manicures, look through fashion magazines... All the basic "girly" stuff :) We had a really good conversation about beauty with the girls who came to our evening, and in the end didn't have time for the actual pampering and beauty stuff :D So that's for next time!

Järjestettiin ihanien Emmin ja Netan kanssa kauneusaiheinen tyttöjenilta keskiviikkona, suunnitelmissa oli syödä hyvää ruokaa, kuunnella Ed Sheerania, puhua kauneudesta ja sitten tehdä manikyyrejä, lueskella muotilehtiä... Kaikkea perus "tyttöjen" juttuja :) Meillä oli tosi hyvät keskustelut kauneudesta niiden tyttöjen kanssa ketkä pääsi iltaan, ja loppujen lopuksi aika ei riittäny niihin hemmotteluihin ja itse kauneusjuttuihin :D Joten ne jäi ensi kertaan!

Halloumi cheese <3

Lots of food for a DIY salad!

Mum bought some bakery magazine and this cute stand for cakes came along with it!

Can't remember which day this is from either :D Sweater Carlings, skirt Gina Tricot, and sunglasses BB.

Outfit from Wednesday with blazer from Carlings, dress H&M, and new neclace BB.
I was at school from Thursday to Saturday and took pictures, I'll try to post those early next week! Next weekend I'm off to London with Oona, can't wait to see you! (and all the shopping and the food and...) :D


Exile is amazing like Oona told you, so everyone listen to it. Now.

2 kommenttia:

  1. You got a wonderful style.

    I would like to invite you to join

    where u can share your amazing looks.

    Lot of love,


    1. thank you so much Nicole, I'll take a look at the website! :)

